Get your start in coding
A code boot camp in Manchester for beginners
Coming March 2022
2 Days
A two-day in-person and virtual event for new people wanting to learn web development.
2 Tracks
Focused on web development and the software industry
3 instructors
Well-experienced instructors will give you experience and tuition in software development.
An event for everyone
Manchester Code Camp is a software development event aimed towards trying to get everyone into software development, but also a specific focus is being placed into trying to get women into software development jobs. We're working with people of all genders within the industry to find out how we can benefit everyone.

Hands-On Workshops
The workshops will focus mainly on Full Stack Web Development. This is the predominant and popular track in the software industry in developing websites and software applications. Split between "front end" and "back end", the course will go into the basics of getting up and running as a developer for web applications.

Advice from those currently in the industry
Our instructors are also currently active and employed within the software industry, and will provide answers to any questions you want to ask, providing specifically a human perspective of what it's like to work in the industry, job expectations, and ultimately how your career might look if you choose to get into software development.
Keep up-to-date so you don't miss out! There are only a limited amount of available places.
Speakers & Instructors

Razwan Choudary
Co-founder, Manchester Code Camp
Raz, as he is more commonly known, or "Raz Dynamics" is the go-to-guy when it comes to all things Microsoft Dynamic CRM and is a Microsoft MVP. He's been in the industry for several decades and has a wide range of experience integrating systems for large enterprises.

Jordan Craw
Co-founder, Manchester Code Camp
Jordan has worked in the technology sector for over 10 years, and has worked as a freelance developer, a developer for several Free and Open Source (FOSS) software projects, as well as working as a software developer and technologist. He has his own FOSS project, Dynastra Tabletop, which is a Tabletop gaming software.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to know to attend?
The event is mainly for people who already are somewhat technical in using computers, and know about how to manage their own PC or laptop, install programs and so on. Some basic knowledge of dealing with HTML and using text editors is preferable, as well as basic knowledge of web browsers.
Where will it be held?
The event will be held both in-person in Manchester, United Kingdom, and we are planning to stream the event to a limited amount of online participants.If COVID restrictions increase in the UK then the event will be moved online.
How long is the event?
The event will take place over two days in March.
United Kingdom